Privacy Policy

Thank You for visiting (the “Site”) or accessing the Metafuter App (the “App”). The Site and the App are owned and operated by

Brazilian company, registered under the CNPJ 42.608.551/0001-82, which is the data controller of Your Personal Information collected whilst using this website.

As part of our daily business operations, We collect personal information from our clients and prospective clients in order to provide them with our products and services and ensure that We can meet their needs when providing these products and services, as well as when providing them with any respective information.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) sets out the basis on which any Personal Information, as defined below, We collect from You (“You”, “Your”, “User” or “Customer”), or that You provide to Us, will be processed by Us. By “Personal Information”, We mean any
information which, either alone or in combination with other data, enables You to be directly or indirectly identified, for example, Your name, email address, username, contact details, either provided by You or collected by Us when You are using our Site and/or App.

Please read the following carefully to understand what data We collect, how that data is used and the ways it can be shared by Us.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time which will be indicated by changing the date at the bottom of this document. If We make any material changes, We will notify You by email (sent to the email provided by You), using a notice, before the change becomes effective, or as otherwise required by law.

What information do we collect?

To use Our Site or App, we preliminary collect the time you spend inside the application and possible Quiz answers. Under Your action, you can provide to Us the information required in to sign Our new letter. By completing this form, You will provide us Your e-mail
address, full name, and username.

We are not responsible for any issue arising from the services provided by any third party, nor by their operational systems, or privacy matters.

We do not collect any special categories of Personal Informationabout You (this includes details about Your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about Your health, and genetic
and biometric data), as well as do not share Your information with any third-party.

All the information is collected when You are:
● Registering for a Metafuter Account;
● Using our Platform or Site;
● Using the Support Center on the Site; or
● Corresponding with Us by phone, email, or otherwise.

Purposes for which we collect your personal information

We will process Your personal information on the following bases and for the following purposes:

Performance of a contract.

We process personal data to provide our Services, as well as information regarding Our products and services based on the contractual relationship with our clients (i.e. to perform our
contractual obligations);

The processing of personal data takes place to enable the completion of our customer onboarding process and access to our newsletter.

To safeguard legitimate interests.

We process personal data to safeguard the legitimate interests pursued by Us or by a third party. A legitimate interest is when We have a business or commercial reason to use Your information. Examples of such processing activities include the following:

● Initiating legal claims and preparing Our defense in litigation procedures;
● Means and processes We undertake to provide for the Company’s IT and system security, preventing potential crime, asset security, and access controls;
● Measures for managing the business and for further developing products and services;
● Sharing Your data with third-party companies to update and/or verify Your data by the relevant anti-money laundering and compliance frameworks, and
● Risk management. To provide You with products and services, or information about our
products and services, and to review Your ongoing needs.

Once You successfully provide Your personal information to Us We must use Your personal information to perform our Services and comply with Our obligations to You. It is also in Our legitimate interests to try to ensure that We are providing the best Services so We may periodically review Your needs based on our assessment of Your personal information to ensure that You are getting the benefit of the best possible products and services from Us.
To help Us improve Our products and services, including support services, and develop and market new products and services.

We may, from time to time, use personal information provided by You through Your use of the services and/or through client surveys to help Us improve Our services. It is in Our legitimate interests to use Your personal information in this way to try to ensure the highest
standards when providing You with Our Services.

To send You surveys.

From time to time, We may send You surveys as part of our client feedback process and product of the Platform (Site or App). It is in Our legitimate interest to ask for such feedback to try to ensure that we provide our products and services at the highest standard.
However, We may from time to time also ask You to participate in other surveys as per the voting system of the Platform, and if You agree to participate in such surveys We rely on Your consent to use the personal information We collect as part of such surveys. All
responses to any survey We send out whether for client feedback or otherwise will be aggregated and depersonalized before the results are published and shared.

To be able to process data analysis.

Our website pages and emails may contain web beacons or pixel tags or any other similar types of data analysis tools that allow Us to track receipt of correspondence and count the number of users that have visited Our webpage and how they act on it. We may aggregate
Your personal information with the personal information of our other clients on an anonymous basis (that is, with Your identifiers removed), so that a more rigorous statistical analysis of general patterns may lead Us to provide better products and services.

For marketing purposes.

We may use Your personal information to send You marketing communications by email or other agreed forms (including social media campaigns), to ensure You are always kept up to date with our latest Services. If We send You marketing communications, We will
do so based on Your consent and registered marketing preferences.

For internal business purposes and record keeping.

We may need to process Your personal information for internal business and research purposes as well as for record-keeping purposes. Such processing is in Our legitimate interests and is
required to comply with Our legal obligations. This may include any communications that We have with You about the products and services We provide to You and our relationship with You. We will also keep records to ensure that You comply with Your contractual
obligations under the Terms and Conditions governing our relationship with You.

The Personal Information We hold about You must be accurate and current. Please keep Us informed if Your Information changes during Your relationship with Us.

Security and confidentiality

The Company respects the privacy of any users who access the Site or the App, and it is therefore committed to taking all reasonable steps to safeguard any existing or prospective clients, applicants, and website visitors. We are committed to protecting Your privacy.

The Company keeps any personal data of its clients and its potential clients to the applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations. We have the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures and procedures in place to ensure that Your
information remains secure at all times.

Our operations are supported by a network of computers, servers, and other infrastructure and information technology, including, but not limited to, third-party service providers such as Digital Ocean.

Personal Information and other data may therefore be exported outside of the jurisdiction in which You reside. Your Personal Information may be processed and stored in a foreign country or country. Under those circumstances, the governments, courts, law enforcement, or regulatory agencies of that country or those countries may be able to obtain access to Your Personal Information through foreign laws. You need to be aware that the privacy
standards of those countries may be lower than those of the jurisdiction in which You reside.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure. While We do our utmost to protect Your Personal Information, We cannot guarantee the security of Your data transmitted to Us over email or through the Site; any transmission is
at Your own risk. Once We have received Your Data, We will use strict
procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access.


The Company will not disclose any of its client’s confidential information to a third party, except in the following situations, in which You agree that We have the right to share Your Personal Information:

● To the extent that it is required to do so under any applicable laws, rules, or regulations;

● Any members of the Company, which means that any of our affiliates and subsidiaries may receive such information;

● Any of our service providers and business partners, for business purposes, such as specialist advisors who have been contracted to provide Us with administrative, financial, legal, tax compliance, insurance, IT, debt-recovery, analytics, research or other services;

● Selected third parties, including analytics and search engine providers that assist Us in the improvement and optimization of the Services;

● If there is a duty to disclose;
● If our legitimate business interests require disclosure;
● At Your request or with Your consent or to those described in this Privacy Policy.

If the Company discloses Your personal information to service providers and business partners, to perform the services requested by clients, such providers and partners may store Your personal information within their systems to comply with their legal and other
obligations. We require that service providers and business partners who process personal information acknowledge the confidentiality of this information, undertake to respect any client’s right to privacy, and comply with all relevant privacy and data protection laws and
this Privacy Policy.

All users may access and verify their Personal Information held by Us by submitting a written request to, and demand, if needed to rectify any inaccurate Personal Information that We may hold; have Your Personal Information erased in certain
circumstances, (i.e. when the Personal Information it is no longer necessary for and to fulfill Our processing purposes); restrict the processing of Your Personal Information where, for example, the information is inaccurate or it is no longer necessary for Us to process
such information or where You have exercised Your right to object to our processing; and have Your data ported to a new service provider if You no longer wish to use the Services. You may exercise these rights by contacting Us.

We may need to request specific information from You to help Us confirm Your identity and ensure Your right to access Your Personal Information (or to exercise any of Your other rights). This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Information is not disclosed to any
person who has no right to receive it. We may also contact You to ask You for further information about Your request to speed up our response.

This Privacy Policy and the use of Your Personal Information only applies to the information You provide or that is collected with Your consent. You are cautioned that if You disclose Personal Information or personally sensitive data through the use of the Internet, such as
through chat rooms, communities, bulletin boards, or other public online forums, this information may be collected and used by other persons or companies over which the Company has no control. It is Your responsibility to review the privacy statements, policies, terms, and conditions of any person or company to whom You choose to link or with whom You choose to contract. We are not responsible for the privacy statements, policies, terms, conditions, or other content of any Site not owned or managed by Us.

Changes to our privacy policy

Any changes We make to Our Privacy Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to You by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

If you have a complaint

If You have any concerns about how We handle Your Personal Information, please contact Us in the first instance. We will do our best to resolve Your concern. Questions, comments, and requests regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed to You can also write to Us at the following